
This page lists the various documents that I have published (latest first).

v8 Done Right (again) (pdf) - support for my DUUG '19 talk in Amersfoort.

v8 Done Right (pdf) - support for my Umbraco RoadShow '19 talk in Barcelona.

v8 FAQ (pdf) - support for my Umbraco Sparks '19 presentation (hopefully does not contain too many mistakes, but take code samples with a grain of salt - maybe best to use the Barcelona document above)

Developing (with) Umbraco v8 (pdf) - support for my US '18 Festival presentation.

8 is Great (pdf) - support for Shannon & Stephan Show at CodeGarden '18.

#h8yr - Le Tour de la Version 8 (pdf) - support for my CodeGarden '17 presentation - the state of v8 as of June, 2017.

Je Suis Core (pdf) - support for the presentation we did with Shannon at CodeGarden '16 - many useful bits about Core - as of version 7.4 + few v8 bits

Distributed Cache Overview (pdf) - couple of pages diagram that documents the distributed cache structure - as of version 7.3.

Content Property values for Dummies v7 (pdf) - a one-page diagram that document all the various property "values" ie what's in the database, in XML, in Examine, in Razor, etc. - still relevant as of version 7.2.

Core Internals for Website Development (pdf) - support for my presentation at CodeGarden '14 - goes into more details into some of Core internals - introduces strongly-typed models - still relevant as of version 7.2.

The Umbraco 6 Request Pipeline (pdf) - support for my presentation at CodeGarden '13 - introduces most of the changes that have been made with version 6, and the new "request pipeline" - most of it is still relevant as of version 7.2.