About this site

This site was created in December, 2014 to give some visibility on my work, and to be an experimental and dog-fooding platform for web developments.

What is it running?

The site is powered by Umbraco.

As of Decembre 22nd, 2023 it runs on stock Umbraco 13.

It is hosted on a t3.large Amazon AWS EC2 instance in the EU-West zone (Ireland), running a bare Debian Bookworm plus Docker. All services (this site, but also a Docker private repository, a Git private repository...) run as Docker containers—yes, including the MSSQL instance supporting Umbraco sites.

FWIW, it should run on a t3.medium instance. However, during the COVID time, I ran a site that collected forms signed by patients for a medical office. There are about 12 000 of them, each containing patient's signatures (as SVG). They take quite a lot of memory, and the 4GB of t3.medium are not enough to fit everything. Soon as I figure out how to not load them in Umbraco's cache, I'll change the instance size.

There used to be a B-side and a C-side of the site, powered by Beyumbe, a derivative of Umbraco. They are now down, as I don't have much time to tinker with Umbraco for now.


The blog code is in many places heavily inspired from Shannon Deminick's great blogging package Articulate. Images are processed with the help of Image Sharp, and most icons are provided by the Font Awesome project.

Photos are either public domain, or my own.